To customize the Latest Post Block, you can use the below settings:
- General
- Columns: Select the column option to show the post in 2c/3c/4c.
- Author Type: Select the author type option to show as an image or icon.
- Spacing: Adjust the margin and padding of the latest posts box.
- Border: Adjust the border radius, color, and style.
- Post Content Settings:
- Hide/Show post content using the “Enable/Disable post content” setting.
- Padding & Margin: Adjust the content, heading, description padding, and heading & description margin.
- Border: Adjust the content border radius, color, and style.
- Show post content as a Full post or Excerpt and set the max number of words with the Excerpt option.
- Button: Enable/disable the button, adjust the button padding & margin, change the button label, and set the border radius, color, & style of the button.
- Post Meta Settings:
- Padding: Adjust the padding of the post meta.
- Enable/Disable the date, author name, comment, and categories of the post.
- Featured Image Settings: Enable/disable the post features image.
- Sorting and Filtering:
- Order By: Show the posts as latest or oldest and in alphabetical order.
- Categories: Select post categories that posts you want to show in the blog section.
- Author: Select the author name that the author posts wants to show in the blog section.
- Number of Items: Set the number how many posts you want to show.
- Display: Hide/Show the Latest Post individually from a desktop, tablet, or mobile.
- Animation Effects: Set the animation effects with multiple options on the Latest Post like Fade, Bounce, Swing, etc.
- Featured Image Overlay
- Enable/Disable the image overlay, change the overlay color, and also set the opacity of the overlay.
- Box Shadow
- Adjust the box shadow of the post content and button.
- Color & Background Settings
- Change the color of the post title, content, meta, and button, also change the background color of the post box & button.
- Typography
- Set the typography of the post title, meta, content, and button using Font Size, Font Family, Font Weight, Line Height, Text transformation, Text decoration, and Letter Spacing options.
- Additional Settings
- You can add the Additional unique ID, Additional class, and custom CSS code.