To customize the Image Comparison Block, you can use the below settings:
- General
- Enable/Disable Vertical Mode: Enable/Disable the vertical mode.
- Enable/Disable Hover Effect: Enable/Disable the hover effect while comparing the image.
- Enable/Disable Labels: Enable/Disable the navigation(After / Before) of the image comparison. On enabling labels, additional settings appear below.
- Before Image Label: Change the label of the Before navigation link.
- After Image Label: Change the label of the After navigation link.
- Enable/Disable Image Width: Enable/Disable the image width setting. On enabling this option, an additional setting appears below.
- Image Width: Change the width of the image.
- Margin: Adjust the top & bottom margin of the image comparison area.
- Animation Effects: Set the animation effects with multiple options like Fade, Bounce, Swing, etc s on the Image Comparison box.
- Display: Hide/Show the Image Comparison box individually from a desktop, tablet, or mobile.