To customize the Blockquote Block, you can use the below settings:
- General
- Enable Quote: Hide/Show the quote sign of the blockquote.
- Enable Content: Hide/Show the content of the blockquote.
- Enable Author: Hide/Show the author name of the Blockquote.
- Margin: Adjust the margin of the blockquote.
- Box Padding: Adjust the padding of the blockquote box.
- Content Padding: Adjust the padding of the blockquote content.
- Display: Hide/Show the blockquote individually from a desktop, tablet, or mobile.
- Animation Effects: Set the animation effects with multiple options on the blockquote like Fade, Bounce, Swing, etc.
- Box Shadow
- Adjust the box shadow of the Blockquote using Horizontal, Vertical, and Blur Shadow options.
- Set the box shadow color using the Box Shadow Color option.
- Color & Background
- Set the quote, content, author, and background color of the blockquote.
- Background Image: Set the background image of the blockquote section.
- Enable Parallax: Enable the parallax effect.
- Background Size: Set background image size using Default, Cover, Contain, and Auto options.
- Background Repeat: Adjust the background image repetition.
- Background Overlay
- Enable Overlay: Show/hide the overlay of the blockquote section. On enabling the overlay of the blockquote section, additional settings appears below:
- Overlay Color: Set the color of the overlay.
- Overlay Opacity: Set the opacity of the overlay.
- Enable Overlay: Show/hide the overlay of the blockquote section. On enabling the overlay of the blockquote section, additional settings appears below:
- Typography
- Content: Set the typography of the blockquote content using Font Size, Font Family, Font Weight, Letter Spacing, etc. options.
- Author: Set the typography of the blockquote author name using Font Size, Font Family, Font Weight, Letter Spacing, etc. options.